Updated On
November 5, 2023

Sendy Amazon SES Setup

Setting Up Amazon SES in Sendy: A Practical Guide

Integrating Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) with Sendy allows for efficient and cost-effective email campaigns. Here are the steps to set this up:

  1. Verify Your Domain: In the Amazon SES console, under the 'Identity Management' section, verify your domain. Amazon will send a verification link to the registered email address of your domain.
  2. Obtain AWS Credentials: Obtain the 'Access Key ID' and 'Secret Access Key' from your AWS account. You can locate these in the 'Security Credentials' section of AWS.
  3. Request Production Access: Initially, your Amazon SES account will be in 'sandbox' mode, which is restrictive. To lift these restrictions, request Amazon to move your account to 'production' mode.
  4. Configure Sendy: Log in to your Sendy installation and navigate to the 'Settings' page. Input your 'AWS Access Key ID', 'AWS Secret Access Key', and the AWS region (e.g., 'us-west-2') of your Amazon SES.

After setting up, ensure to test your configuration by sending a test email from Sendy. If any errors occur, double-check your settings.

Watch this video for more details